My Aim
My aim is to provide a safe, respectful, private, accepting environment in which an individual or small group can work to identify limiting beliefs and patterns, become aware of unproductive self-talk and images, make peace with the reality of past hurts and current changes, and master practical and creative strategies that can lead to greater personal uniqueness, desired accomplishments and more satisfaction in life.
My methods are geared toward the learning and communication styles of my clients. I employ a wide variety of traditional and non-threatening, playful and imaginative techniques in order to help you accomplish your goals. Techniques include the principles of Archetypal Pattern Analysis, Dream Translation, Neuro-Linguistics, Creative Imagination, Treasure Mapping, Intuition, Storytelling, Jungian and Developmental Psychology, and exploration of the choices of resilient and happy people. I'm happy to work with clients on a short-term basis, when appropriate, depending upon the needs of the individual or group.
My Methods
My Commitment
My commitment is to "walk my talk." My own life demonstrates how much there is to be said for the use of creativity in the areas of personal growth and healing. Through my own challenges, trial and error, inner work and studies, I've learned it's not necessary to be perfect in order to call oneself an artist, achieve one's dreams and become comfortable in one's own skin. My passion is to share what I've learned with others.
Curated Links for the Journey
Follow these links to explore fellow poets and writers, interesting teachers and ideas, publications
worth reading, and organizations worth supporting!
Teaching & Coaching:
What Will Your Legacy Be? (Susan Axelrod)
Writing & Poetry:
Visual Arts:
The International Women's Writing Guild
The International Listening Association
What Remains
By Linda Albert
From Charting the Lost Continent: Poetry & Other Discoveries Winner of the FAPA President's Book Awards Gold Medal
It takes so long
to peel skin from your orange
self you could be dried up
dead before you dare disorder,
laugh yourself sticky, drink
the sky, become cerulean blue.
Better do it now,
devour the peach before
it’s shriveled. Let juice
and bits of yellow pulp
define you, snail along
your tongue, create tributaries
down your chin, then beach
like tiny landing crafts in the soft
crevices of your neck.
Find compassion for critics,
the ones who leave and those
alive in you who fear such messy
appetites. Wear a bright orange
fool’s cap on your head to keep
the heat from leaving when
you have to cry, its tasseled bells
remind there is no need to find
false skins for cover. The unpeeled
flesh is where your juice remains.